If you decide to cancel the order after payment, please contact us within 24 hours after payment. If it exceeds 24 hours, your package may have been shipped out, which will result in you not being able to get a full refund.
Our technical staff will check our products before they are sent out to ensure that the performance of each product is foolproof. Unused products can be returned by the original owner within 14 days of delivered for a full refund less a 30% restocking fee and the cost of shipping, Our return policy does not apply carburetors that have already entered gasoline, The buyer will cover the return shipping and the customs duties incurred by sending them to us. If we find it is user error, we will reset it to factory settings and send it back to the customer and the customer bears the cost of resending the shipment. Please contact us first with a detailed account of your issue, pictures, the serial number, and any adjustments made beforehand.